Historique charges a flat shipping fee of $4.50 for all mainland USA (Hawaii and Alaska are included in this). It doesn't matter if you order 1 item or 500, shipping will be $4.50.
A flat $9.00 shipping fee will be applied to any international order. If you order 1 item, it's $25.00 If you order 100 items, it's $25.00. Historique is NOT responsible for any duties that are applied to your order due to customs. This is soley your responsibility. The rise in cost is currently due to the Covid 19 restrictions in place. Once these restrictions come down the shipping cost should return to normal.
Privacy Information
We do not sell or share your information with anyone. Period. Even if they ask very, very nicely. I am confident you already receive enough spam/junk mail as it is without Historique helping.
When you request a custom order, I can only work with what you provide. If you provide a low resolution graphic, I can not recreate the Mona Lisa out of it. There are no refunds on custom orders.
I do my best to have all orders shipped within 10 days of your purchase. If there is an issue, you will be made aware of the issue and you will be given the expected ship date.
I make no claims to or have any affiliations with any of these wonderful gaming systems. I merely make products that are compatible with them and are not endorsed by any of the trademark holders / authors. Nor do I make any challenges against their respective products.